For English, 2 hours of the day would be spent on Booklet A. For Booklet A, these topics and skills would be taught:
- For Grammar, students will understand the different tenses and how to use them.
- For Vocab MCQ and Vocab Cloze, each word will be defined and the context of the passage will be highlighted.
- For Visual Text, each information would be point out and reasonings must be provided with options crossed out.
The next 2 hours of the day would be spent on Booklet B. For Booklet B, these topics and skills would be taught:
- For Grammar Cloze, Editing and Comprehension Cloze, we will zoom in on the details which would be clues for students to identify.
- For Synthesis and Transformation, exploring different word forms and how a sentence structure can be transformed systematically.
- For Comprehension, students will be taught how to analyse passages by summarising each paragraph as well as the skills required for the different question types.